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14 delicious ways to add sesame seeds to your diet

How to Add Beniseeds to Your Prediabetes Diet (15 Ways)

Sesame seeds or beniseeds deserve a top spot on your culinary radar when discussing nutritious, flavour-packed ingredients. These seeds have been cherished in various cuisines worldwide for their delightful nutty taste and vast health benefits for centuries.

Whether you’re a seasoned chef or a novice cook, the versatility of sesame seeds can elevate your dishes to new heights, adding a layer of crunch, flavour, and nutrition that’s difficult to beat. This blog post will explore delicious and creative ways to incorporate these nutritious seeds into your diet. We’ve covered you from savoury to sweet and salads to snacks. So, keep reading!

Sesame seeds are a nutritional powerhouse packed with essential nutrients contributing to overall health and well-being. They are rich sources of heart-healthy fats, protein, fibre and various B vitamins and vitamin E.1,2 Sesame seeds are also rich in calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, and phosphorus and several antioxidant compounds that fight oxidative stress and inflammation.1.2

Incorporating sesame seeds into your diet can be an excellent way to boost your nutrient intake while adding texture and flavour to your meals. Here are some tips to help you transform your meals into flavourful feasts!

Beniseeds (sesame seeds) in salads

1 | Garnish salads: Boost the flavour of your salads with a tablespoon of toasted sesame seeds. These tiny seeds provide a delightful crunch and infuse your salads with a nutty aroma that tantalises your taste buds. Combining fresh, crisp vegetables with toasty sesame seeds adds textures and flavours that leave you craving more.

2 | Bake with them: Add sesame seeds to your homemade bread, muffins, biscuits or cookies. The nutty undertones of sesame seeds perfectly complement the warm, toasty flavours that emerge during baking. If baking is not your thing, why not try Tesco’s sesame breadsticks? Dunk them in Philadelphia or your favourite soft cheese for a tasty mid-morning snack!

Beniseeds (sesame seeds) in biscuits
Beniseeds (sesame seeds) in yoghurt

3 | Stir into yoghurt: Mixing sesame seeds into yoghurt or plain dip is a fantastic way to enhance both the nutritional value and the texture of your dish. Not only do sesame seeds add a delightful crunch, but they also bring in a substantial amount of healthy fats and protein. This combination can turn a simple dip into a more satisfying and nourishing snack.

Furthermore, if you’re a kefir fan, consider incorporating sesame seeds. Kefir is already known for its probiotic properties, which support gut health. Adding sesame seeds introduces an additional nutritional boost and creates a more diverse and flavorful kefir experience.

Whether you sprinkle them over yoghurt or blend them into your dips and kefir, sesame seeds provide a simple yet effective way to elevate the nutritional value and flavour of your meals.

4 | Make tahini: blend sesame seeds with olive oil to make homemade tahini, a versatile ingredient in hummus, dressings, and sauces. Its creamy texture and nutty flavour add a delightful twist to many dishes. Enjoy tahini with crudites, spread on wholemeal toast or use as a topping for roasted vegetables for a blood-sugar-friendly snack.

Beniseeds (sesame seeds) tahini
Sesame seeds on California rolls

5 | Use as a garnish: They say we eat with our eyes first! Sprinkle sesame seeds on the top of dishes like stir-fries, sushi or roasted vegetables just before serving to enhance taste and visual appeal.

6 | Add to cereal: Breakfast cereals can be high in carbohydrates with minimal protein and healthy fats. Why not add sesame seeds to your breakfast cereals or oatmeal to add a delightful crunch and, better yet, boost the protein, fibre, and healthy fat content of your meal? This combination provides a well-rounded meal that stabilizes your blood glucose, preventing energy crashes and mid-morning hunger pangs. Additionally, sesame seeds are a good source of B vitamins such as riboflavin and niacin, which help your body convert the food you eat into energy. Consider this addition for a tasty and nutritious breakfast every morning.

7 | Make a delicious and nutritious stew: Transform your stew into a wholesome and satisfying meal by incorporating the goodness of sesame seeds! Boost the nutritional value by grinding sesame seeds into a fine powder and adding it to your favourite tomato-based stews. Not only will this add a unique flavour, but it will also infuse the dish with beneficial, healthy fats. Enhance the nutrient density of the stew even more by including an abundance of vibrant leafy vegetables like kale or spinach, which are rich in fibre and essential vitamins and minerals. With this simple and flavorful upgrade, your stew will become a delightfully nourishing dish that you and your loved ones will enjoy!

8 | Make seed bars: Commercial energy bars are often high in sugar and saturated fat, which is not ideal for managing blood sugar or cholesterol. However, with a few adjustments, you can create delicious and nutritious homemade seed bars. To make these bars while still effectively managing your blood sugar and cholesterol, combine sesame seeds with no more than a tablespoon of honey and shredded coconut, then shape them into bars. Alternatively, you can use stevia as a substitute for honey to reduce added sugar or incorporate dried fruits for natural sweetness. Enjoy these wholesome energy bars as a perfect breakfast or snack option!

9 | Add to smoothies: Smoothies are a great way to increase your fruit and vegetable intake and boost your consumption of essential vitamins and minerals. However, using too many fruits, especially bananas, can hurt blood sugar control. To enjoy smoothies while managing your blood sugar levels, consider using low glycaemic fruits like berries, apples, and pears and smaller portions of high glycaemic fruits like bananas. Additionally, you can add vegetables such as spinach and kale to boost fibre and incorporate a teaspoon or two of sesame seeds to increase the fat and protein content. This combination helps to reduce the glycemic index of your smoothie, ensuring a steady release of energy and preventing blood sugar spikes. Feel free to get creative with different fruit and vegetable combinations to create delicious and nutritious smoothies that cater to your specific health needs.

10 | Sprinkle on stir-fries: Stir-fries can be a tasty, nutritious meal when you’re short on time. Elevate the flavour and boost the nutrient density of stir-fried vegetables, tofu, or chicken by sprinkling sesame seeds during cooking. Sesame seeds not only add a delightful crunch but also offer a nutty and slightly sweet taste to your stir-fries. These tiny yet mighty seeds are packed with essential minerals like calcium, iron, and magnesium, as well as healthy fats and fibre. They also contain antioxidants that help protect your cells from damage. So, next time you whip up a quick stir-fry, don’t forget to sprinkle a generous amount of sesame seeds for that extra burst of flavour and nutritional goodness!

11 | Add to rice dishes: Rice is a common ingredient in many households due to its versatility and accessibility! Brown, black, and ofada rice are excellent choices for blood glucose control as they are higher in fiber and retain most of their natural vitamins and minerals. To make a quick and flavorful dish, mix sesame seeds with rice, soy sauce, or sesame oil. For added protein, include chicken, edamame, beans, or shellfish, and incorporate colourful vegetables to help stabilize your blood sugar levels.

12 | Add to Noodles :

Noodles can be a versatile and satisfying addition to your meals, especially when managing blood sugar levels effectively. Unlike Jasmine or sushi rice, noodles generally have a lower glycemic index, making them a favourable alternative.

However, the type of noodles you choose can significantly impact the nutritional value of your dish. Instant noodles, despite being convenient, should be avoided due to their high levels of saturated fat and sodium. Instead, opt for plain rice noodles or egg noodles, which are healthier alternatives. These noodles provide a neutral base for your dish, allowing you to experiment with various flavours and ingredients.

To elevate your noodle dish, consider incorporating sesame seeds, toasted sesame seed oil, and your favourite proteins and vegetables. Whether you prefer tender chicken, succulent shrimp, or hearty tofu, they can all be easily incorporated into your noodle dish. Combine them with an array of nutritious vegetables such as broccoli, bell peppers, carrots, or snap peas to create a well-balanced and satisfying meal.

13 | Coat tofu, chicken or tuna with sesame seeds: When it comes to controlling blood sugar levels, it’s important to moderate carbohydrate intake as they have the greatest impact. An alternative low-carb option for coating fish, chicken, or tofu is sesame seeds instead of breadcrumbs. Not only do sesame seeds add a crunchy texture, but they also bring a delicious flavour to your dishes.

14 | Sesame-packed snacks: Snacking can be necessary to keep your blood glucose balanced, but your snack choice matters to prevent blood glucose spikes. With its balanced nutrition profile, sesame seeds are a great way to boost energy and curb between-meal hunger pikes without raising your blood sugar.

One snack idea is to make homemade sesame seed granola. Combine rolled oats, sesame seeds, chopped and nuts. Spread the mixture on a baking sheet and toast in the oven until golden brown. You can add dried fruits like raisins or cranberries for extra fibre and natural sweetness.

Another option is to create a sesame seed trail mix. Mix sesame, pumpkin, sunflower, and your favourite nuts like almonds or cashews. You can also add some dark chocolate chips or dried coconut flakes for an indulgent twist. Pack the trail mix in small portions for a convenient, healthy on-the-go snack.

15 | Make pesto: Love pesto? Why not replace pine nuts with sesame seeds? This delicious variation will give a different twist to your homemade pesto. You can also add some coriander or basil to enhance the flavour. Serve your pesto with pasta and roasted vegetables, or use it as a dip. Enjoy this innovative version of a classic Italian recipe!

Remember to store sesame seeds in an airtight container in a cool, dry place to maintain their freshness. By adding these magical seeds to your diet, you can enhance the nutrient density of your meals and enjoy their health benefits while improving the flavours and texture of your meals.

Which of these tips will you try?

DISCLAIMER: Not a substitute for medical advice – All content is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide medical or nutrition advice or to take the place of medical/nutrition advice or treatment from your doctor or health professional. Since each person’s health conditions are very specific, viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information in this post/video, is for general information only and does not replace a consultation with your doctor/health professional.

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